Sponsorship Packages Available

Event Sponsor ($5,000)

  • 10 x 20 booth space at the event

  • Logo on Flashback T-Shirt

  • Prominent 3’ x 5’ street signage at prime perimeter location.

  • Logo on Flashback website

  • Twenty (20) Flashback Event T-Shirts

Gold Sponsor Package ($3,000)

  • 10 x 10 booth space at the event

  • Logo on Flashback T-Shirt

  • Prominent 3’ x 5’ street signage at prime perimeter location.

  • Logo on Flashback website

  • Fifteen (15) Flashback event T-Shirts 

Silver Sponsor Package ($1,500)

  • 10 x 10 booth space at the event

  • Logo on Flashback website

  • Ten (10) Flashback Event T-Shirts

North Stage Sponsor Package ($1,850)

  • Stage Sponsor will have a stage named after them (e.g., The Acme Stage) using signage

  • Logo on Flashback website

  • 10 x 10 booth space at the event

  • Ten (10) Flashback Event T-Shirts

Fun Zone Sponsor Package ($950)

  • Logo on Flashback website

  • 10 x 10 booth space at the event   

  • Six (6) Flashback Event T-Shirts           

Car Show Trophy Sponsor ($1,700)

  • Company name on all trophies

  • Logo on Flashback website

  • Eight (8) Flashback Event T-Shirts

Beer Booth Sponsor Package ($600) (3 available)

  • Logo on Flashback website

  • Signage at the Beer Booth

  • Four (2) Flashback Event T-Shirts

Booth Sponsor Package ($600)

  • 10 x 10 Booth Space at the event

  • Recognition will be provided on the Flashback website.

  • Four (4) Flashback Event T-Shirts               

Supporting Sponsor Package ($300) 

  • Recognition on Flashback website

  • Two (2) Flashback Event T-Shirts